Thursday, January 31, 2013

Things Overheard

Tell me that doesn't inspire you to do more in your relationship? Because I hear these phrases repeatedly during editing rounds - and I mean I'll go over the same phrase 20 times or more - those words sink from my mind into my heart. It's those words that make me ever grateful for the marriage I do have and the husband God has placed in my life.

To my couples out there: After 8 years of marriage so far, I can assure you that these words spoken from the altar are tried and true. Going through the hard things together and being each other's biggest fan and advocate, deepen the bond you have.

I'd love to hear the tidbits that you've picked up so far. We can inspire and encourage each other!


  1. Working through the hard stuff is worth it! Great post!!!

  2. great words of wisdom -- those. thanks for sharing, Leighsie.
