What's your earliest memory of your mom? Strangely, I don't recall seeing mom's face in my memories. I remember going to bed with the summer sun still not set and the morning doves still cooing. Wandering through our neighbor's flower beds because she had strawberries hidden in there somewhere. Getting into trouble because I think I picked a fight with the preschool teacher's daughter.

What I do remember about mom is her presence. I feel her in the the memory of laying in bed that summer evening, watching me hunt for strawberries and standing up for me to the preschool teacher. I remember the feeling of cuddling with mom, of her playing with my hair, of car rides and jazzercise classes. All times where I don't recall seeing her, I can just feel her there.
It's a mother's presence. You can feel it in this video too.
I visited with Jeni and we talked a bit about her own mom. What I enjoy most about this story is the influence Jeni's mom had over one of the biggest decisions Jeni has made yet. Having a "bun in the oven" for 9+ months sure does change our minds about things. It's probably also why I still tear up when I watch this, even after seeing it a hundred times.
Without further ado, thanks so much to everyone who submitted stories for my
Mother's Day project! It was one of those ideas that just popped into mind, and with your help I was able to do it. Here is our final piece. I hope it moves you like it does me.